from my blog-One of the more tangible ways you can minimize stress of overseas travel is by eliminating the need to check luggage. Because of all the uncertainties surrounding travel logistics including weather, flight delays, missed connections, and changing airport security regulations, the odds are, you will eventually encounter headaches over checked luggage.
By adhering to the carry-on only rule, you will save time during departure and arrival, and importantly, you will rest assured you have all the items you need in your rollerboard bag.
For the travel savvy, here is the rule of thumb: if you are staying for one week or less time, you can pack everything into one carry on wheeled bag.
Here are some guidelines that will help you with the discipline of bringing only carry-on luggage:
1. Plan Ahead. Create a master checklist (see next chapter). Envision how you will spend each day during your trip and plan accordingly. If possible, a layout all of your items two days before travel. For clothing packing, many experts suggest that once you have all your items laid out, then, take away half of them. For long trips, I write down what item I will wear each day/event.
2. Choose a Single, Neutral Color Scheme. Build your wardrobe, using items in black, navy, tan, or khaki. Add color and variety to your look with accessories (scarves, belts, costume jewelry, ties, brooches etc.)
3. Pack Compactly. Fold and roll each clothing item. Seal each one into a clear plastic bag. This will help you to glance easily without unpacking. Packing cubes and envelopes and vacuum bags are especially helpful for long trips. Browse your nearest luggage retailer for practical packing solutions.
4. Look Your Best During Travel. Because people do judge a book by its cover, always look your best and most professional while traveling. You will receive better treatment and even avail yourself to upgrades if you look the part. It also helps with networking when you dress to project the image you'd like to convey.
5. Pack to Dress in Layers. Where sleeveless or short sleeves under your jacket on travel day. You will want to remove your jacket so you can sleep lighter on the flight. Pack light weight, shirts, T-shirts, and turtlenecks. They pack easily, and they dry overnight when you do hand laundry in your hotel room.
6. Pack an Empty Duffel Bag, Just in Case
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